Wednesday, November 11, 2009
God will provide? answer is YES!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Graduation Daie
I was kinda emo, and i can't stop my mind from thinking those things that some ppl think are extreme.
when i shook Pn Loh Tzu Lee's hand, she said... see you at the top. Two things came across my mind.
1. To do very well academically and in life.
2. To see her in heaven when we are lifted up on the Day
well, such a wonderful christian teacher telling me that. and that started to trigger that thought in my mind....while we were taking pictures at the terrace, my mind many of these ppl will actually meet me in heaven?
oh Droool!!! stop being emo!
Monday, October 05, 2009
oh no....
Sunday, September 13, 2009
i thought i was alone, until...
I chose to sit at the most back row, with an empty seat on my left and 2 empty seats on my right, just to make sure no one sees me cry. The movie was touching ma... really heart-warming, and i really cried leh... only tears rolled down, not wailing, k?
But just before the movie started, a couple sat beside me. i was like... oh no... someone's gonna see me cry like a baby... in my mbs prefect uniform sumore... But what surprised me was, hey the guy is my friend who studies in singapore! 1st met him in YLDP, roommate leh... so coincident! but i believe it's God's arrangement la. He provided a friend to sort of accompany me to watch that movie. haha. actually he's watching that with his gf la.
interesting part is, everytime he comes back to kl, for sure he'll see me. haha. last time was in puduraya.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
wah lau...
i was supposed to meet up with Chia Ching, June, Enoch and Matthew in Mid Valley today. Because of my bio practical, i reached there late. So when i reached the cinema, i doubted whether i should make a call to Chia Ching. So i prayed in my heart that i will meet them in 5 seconds. True enough, when i counted from 5 to 0, someone patted my back. It was Ching! haha. God is so 'geng' rite?
Sunday, June 14, 2009
just for fun
2. A four Letter Word : Apek, Akua, A soh,Ares, AHHH!
3. A boy's Name : Andre
4. A girl's Name : Andrea
5. An occupation : Accountant
6. A color : Apple Red
7. Something you'll wear : Adidas
8. missing?
9. A food : apple pie
10. Something found in the bathroom: Ajax fabuloso
11. A place : Alexandria
12. A reason for being late : Aiya... suck chair (traffic jam in canto)
13. Something you'd shout : Adoi!
14. A movie title : Aliens vs Monsters (it's the same as Monsters vs Aliens ma...)
15. Something you drink : Anything... counterpart of Whatever
16. A musical group : Avalon
17. An animal : ape
18. A road name : Jalan Ara
19. A type of car : Avanza
20. The title of a song : Amazing grace
Saturday, June 13, 2009
it's the battle between your body and your soul. What do you think?
Saturday, May 23, 2009
good friend arr? think again
when she reads this, im sure she knows that im talking about her.
we were not close since last time. only when f5 is about to end, i started to get close to her. We went to camps, "school" and did almost everything together. in many people's eyes, we are supposed to be good friends. at least my own expectations.
but what grieved me.. or rather just mere disappointment, was the fact that we are not good friends. she might have thought that we are but in reality, we are not!
tell you what happened. in class, i tried my best to motivate her to study, because she's like dying practically in every class. i myself was not doing well, but at the same time, i don't want to see her die in the battle with STPM. therefore, sacrificing my own little time of listening to lectures, i motioned her to be alert and study if she "fishing" on the other side of the classroom.
she just likes to share her romance story and interest with me, which were not really related to me. but when i try to share my own stories or views, i doubt that she listens. and she will try to prove to me that she listened to me by repeating what i said. such hypocrite. maybe i shudn't judge. worse still, sometimes when i try to say something impressive, she will pakat with other frens to ignore me, saying that i was about to tell a lame joke. and this became a cool thing among them. so ouch! but when she says something, everyone is willing to listen.
she already had her group of friends. the 'pig and dog' friends, who do nothing but sleep or talk during class. so hard to get her to sit down with me to have a light conversation. often when i finally got her to sit down with me, she will somehow or rather got attracted by other things. worse still, i will be the subject chosen to be ignored. what kind of friend is this? i tried to advise, but being ignored. nonsense. what to do? she's so popular. everyone loves her. when i offered to pray for her, she will prefer not to do it on the spot, as if im gonna laying hands on her head or shoulder. instead, pray for her later at the time when i will pray.
i was just trying to offer what i have to be a good friend to her, yet 99% are in vain.
maybe i shouldn't expect so much from her.
this kind of friend is soooo difficult to love. but yet im supposed to be accountable to her and vice versa. hard la... should i continue to pray for her, encouraged her and give her the best support? I always counsel people with Luke 6:27,28. ....Pray for those who mistreat you. i really don't know what to do. Should i continue to place her in my heart as a burden to pray for her? so much hurt i got from her. which she thought it was ok for me to bear.
after reading this, i can imagine her reply, saying sorry la.. she didn't intend to la... i think too much la... im too sensitive la... whatever. but im not surprised that she will remain the same, cuz i think she never really take me as a good friend, only taking advantage of me when she needs something, thinking that im her locker or safe. nonsense.
heatwave? lol
Sunday, May 10, 2009
bye bye la ~
But i supposed im the fortunate one among all his JS mentees. Daniel and Enoch met with him only once since he came back for about a month, but i met him 3 times!!! hehe... badminton match, biotech career fair and sendng off. Sending off really sucks cuz i just hate the scene of seeing the ones i love leave... and leaving for another long period of time! Emo now...
Saturday, April 04, 2009
tagged again!
anyways, these are my my first tags to keep you occupied. yay!
This tag is by Tim.. dat tomato... nth to do arr... haha.
001. Real Name:
u dunno? im gonna whatever you! andrew wong wai hon. not andrew hon!
002. Nickname(s):
hon hon!
003. Age:
004. Horoscope :
what's that? can eat arr? cheh! i care not what horoscope says.
005. Male or Female:
006. Elementary:
Tadika Watti
007. Primary School:
Chiao Nan. Don't u dare read the other way!
008. High School:
009. College School:
still MBSSKL. f6!
010. Hair colour:
Black but a lil brown under sunlight.
011. Long or Short:
huh? which part? im not gonna answer untill you tell me which part you are referring to.
012. Loud or Quiet:
Mute. nah... both
013. Sweats or Jeans :
014. Phone or Camera:
Both la!
015. Health Freak:
YES! and Fat and Calorie Freak as well.
016. Drink or Smoke:
sleep and eat is better
017. Do you have a crush on someone:
i crush on everyone. especially when the place is crowded. what does crush mean?
018. Eat or Drink:
+ sleep and play and some studies as well.
019. Piercings:
my heart. just got pierced by sth.
020. Tattoos:
i dunno how to draw tattoos for ppl. x ask for my help in this.
021. Social or Anti- Social:
im uncle-social! not aunty-social!
023. First piercing:
where got?
024. First relationship
parents? cuz they brought me to the world wud...
025. First Best Friend:
kindi fren Felicia!
026. First Award:
kindi, 4 yrs old 1st in class!
027. First Kiss :
my pillow.. wet with my saliva
028. First Pet:
dogs! still alive.. and horny at times.
029. First Big Vacation:
singapore while im floating in the amniotic fluid
030. First Love at first sight :
any type of food that is nice.
031. First Big Birthday:
the day i was born.. 19 yrs sgo.
032. First Surgery:
033. First sport you joined:
do i look like i sport?
This or That
034. Orange or Apple juice:
i like both.
035. Rock or Rap:
036. Country or Screamo:
country and city! haha... country la
037. NSYNC or Backstreet boys:
who are they? some gangsters? backstreet?
038. Britney spears or Christina Aguilera:
others are hotties but both of them are notties.
039. Night or Day:
like both. God separated them wud.. and He saw that i was good.
040. Sun or Moon:
is this about mythologies and religion?
041. TV or Internet:
042. Playstation or xbox:
food again!
043. Kiss or hug:
i like hugs. esp ppl i love and love me. kiss leh... dont feel like it.
044. Iguana or turtle:
don't like
045. Spider or bee:
chemistry better.
046. Fall or spring:
i like all 4 seasons
047. Limewire or iTunes:
limetunes got arr? or iWire...
048. Soccer or baseball:
049. Eating:
northwestern wind. sai but fong.
050. Drinking:
my saliva
051. Excitement level :
tired a bit. juz came bck from swimming.
052. I’m about to:
053. Listening to:
be thou my vision, it's rising up
054. Plans for today:
trim hair
055. Waiting for:
056. Energy Level:
rather low
057. Thinking of someone:
my classmates.
058. Want kids?:
dunno la. dont even noe will get married anot..
059. Want to get married?:
not now.. duh
060. When?:
dont care
061. How many kids do you want:
depends whether my future wife and i are baby factory.
062. Any name on the mind:
063. What did you want to be when you were little:
big. now want to be little.
064. Careers in mind:
doctor, car company boss, like hyundai, toyota... teacher and pastor.
065. Mellow future or wild:
066. Something you would never try:
fast for 41 days.
067. When do you want to die:
when God says i should die.
Which is the better in the boy/girl you like (in the future)
068. Lips or Eyes :
069. Romantic or Funny?:
both.. hot oso la.
070. Shorter or Taller?:
slightly shorter than me. not too short. if not the kids will blame mummy for their height.
071. Protective or Caring?:
072. Romantic or Spontaneous?:
073. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms?:
nice arms
074. Sensitive or Loud?:
075. Hook-up or Relationship?:
076. Trouble Maker or Hesitant?:
077. Muscular or normal:
slender. and hot like me!
Have you ever
078. Kissed a stranger:
don't remember
079. Broken a bone:
080. Lost glasses or contacts:
contacts la! dropped sumwhere
081. Ran away from home:
dont have
082. Held a gun/knife for self defence:
083. Killed somebody:
i think i killed many. i had hatred on many many ppl. considered killed them.
084. Broken some one’s heart:
many times. more than 1/2 was on purpose.
085. Had your heart broken:
many many times lo.
086. Been arrested:
087. Cried when someone died:
088. Liked a friend more than a friend:
got lo. x tell arr... the person is...
Do you believe in
089. Yourself:
090. Miracles:
duh. Miracles of God, not the devil's
091. Love at first sight:
only food.
092. Heaven:
093. Santa Claus:
dat's human... duh.. he's everywhere on christmas. boring guy.
094. Tooth Fairy:
095. Kiss in the first date :
096. Angels:
Answer Truthfully
097. Is there 1 person you want to be with right now?
more than 1 actually.
098. Are you seriously happy with where you’re in life now?
kind of.
099. Do you believe in God?
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 10 people.
i don't like to do that.
Tag 5people! If I tagged YOU, it's because I want to know more about YOU!
1. Were you named after anyone?
dunno? andrew, Jesus' apostle?
2. When was the last time you cried?
YPC. thought of my myf and broke down.
3. Do you like your handwritting?
4. What is your favourite lunch meal?
sth with less oil and filling.
5. Do you have kids?
i have 1/2 kids. not full kids. x understand? haha.. what i mean is gametes la.. hohohohohoho
6.If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
no gua... im so lame and not yeng. fat summore. not sporty. a lil inferior
7. Do you use sarcasm?
when im super mad at someone and wanna keep my cool
8. Do you still have your tonsils?
huh? wads that?.
9. Would you bungee jump?
yups...after stpm. maybe stage by stage. try water diving 1st.
10. What is your favourite cereal?
i like hong kong serial drama. hahhaha... anything la...
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
no lo. juz take off.
12. What kind of animal do you want to be if you had the choice?
eagle? bird? anything but not fish.
13. What is your favourite ice-cream?
vanilla.. i like green oso. green tea or any fruit that is green oso good. i rmb there's a type of chocolate flavoured which is green oso! that's awesome!
14. What is the first thing you notice about people?
clothing, see whether it's appropriate anot... next is to compare and see whether he/she or i has better body. last is... a bit funny la. i see whether he has more leg hair than me anot... if he's wearing short pants la.
15. Red or Pink?
16. What is your least favourite thing about yourself?
height and weight and pimply face. and my not-talented mind. and not-sporty body.
17. Who do you miss the most?
some penang frens, perak frens...
18.Do you want everyone to complete the list?
19. What colour pants and shoes are you wearing?
im wearing neither.......side of my shoes... haha... dark blur pants
20. Chocolate or Vanilla?
21. What are you listening to right now?
come thou fount by sara groves
22. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
sin chan!
23.Favourite smells?
smell of nature.
24. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
forgot... father gua...
25. What view do you like best?
aurora.. sunrise and sunset. flowing waters.
26.Favourite sports to watch?
my sports house members in a race or jumps.
27. Hair colour?
28.Eye colour?
dark brown
29. Do you wear contacts?
30. Favourite Foods?
almost all
31. Scary movies or happy endings?
thriller...happy endings are also good
32.Last movie you watched?
Taken. wanted to watch Knowing
33. What colour shirt are you wearing?
light blue. pusat bantuan sentul... with rev 21:5
34. Summer or winter?
35. Hugs or kisses?
36. Most likely to respond?
no response.
37. Least likely to respond?
no response.
38. Would you rather be a kid or an adult?
adult. i like to be mature.
39. What book(s) are you reading now?
bout cs lewis' life
40. What is on your mouse pad?
my right hand
41. What did you watch on TV last night?
some hongkie drama
42.Favourite Sound(s)?
flute, celtic, music that soothes the soul and lifts the spirit.
43. Rolling Stones or Beatles?
44. What is the farthest you've been from home?
kedah and penang
45. Do you have a special talent?
46 Where were you born?
kl chinese maternity hospital
47. Whose answers are you looking forward to seeing?
no one.
48. How did you meet your spouse/significant other?
no lo.
49. What is your sign?sign?
50.If you could sit down to dine with 5 people who would they be?
Jesus, the friends i love, Paul of Tarsus, dr Luke...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
i have no gf!
but why uh?
i believe that for the time being, all my love is channeled to my friends around me. i don't feel like getting someone to love because my love is already being used for all my friends, reagardless guys or girls... maybe some enemies.. hehe
so people.. if one day i suddenly come and give you a big hug, don't salah sangka ya! im only telling you that i really love this God-given friend.
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Worth pondering...
Atheist beautifully put the theories together.
1. If God cannot carry the rock, He is not omnipotent.
2. If God created the rock but still can carry, He's not fulfilling what the question wants.
3. If God cannot make the rock, He is not omnipotent.
Therefore, God is not omnipotent.
Well said... do you know how to answer it?
Bill Gates is super duper rich! Can he give money to you? Oh yes he can... But does he do it? No.. Obviously it's sooooo foolish to give money for nothing to people like you (the ones who questions God's omnipotence). So in the same way, it will be very foolish for God to create that stone just to layan people like you. Like asking Bill Gates to pay you a sum of money, it is not that whether God is able or not. It is the matter whether He wants it or not.
So do you dare to say that God is not omnipotent? He gave His servant me this wisdom to answer.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
tagged by sin yee
1. Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
2. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 15 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.
3. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. i dowan 2 tag ppl la.
4. No tags back!!
1. i cannot take too much sugar. vv sleepy one.
2. i like doing things related to money like going to the bank and bla bla... feels like i have power and authority..
3. i just love to eat.
4. im still single!
5. i like friends to be around me at least 15/24 of my day.
6. i used to think that im hot.
8. i love to give ppl gifts.
9. i want to tone my muscles a lil.
10. i wanna eat now...
11. i just ate...
12. i just sneezed after i typed 11.
13. i love telling lame jokes.
14. i x like hypocrites. im another 1. so i hate myself?
15. i like playing with my nose deposits after digging my nose. jk la... investigating it mah...
Thursday, February 05, 2009
my cow one (ngau yat)
And this bookmark. See what my name means?
The card!
My prefect junior gave this to me...
sweet! not swt arr... haha.. His message was...
in your studies and future undertaking. God bless you and keep it up! up! up!
And this nice-looking pen. So nice la him. I will love him very much like a biological brother and will shape him into a good prefect de!
Then some adults gave me angpau!
Some views of the cake. i arrange the candles! haha proud...
Look at the layer of choco cheese~
Ahhhh~ the molten chocolate on top~
And i discovered this: Many people are having the same bday as me. they are...Hilda, my junior's father, Mr Tham in 1st KL BB, Zhang Min and Kar Heng. Wah not bad eh...
And before i left school, there's a prefect girl from SBU called Elaine suddenly came and wished me bday. i was like... wah.. so shocked! Elaine came for worship practice for CF Convention and to get some name tags from Adeline. But strange huh... im not very close to her, and do not really know her, yet she wished me. She said she saw my bday notice in Facebook. Wah... she knows me? im not very popular wor... but..not bad hor her memory..
Maxis gave me free Voice Calls to Maxis lines! i manage to call Shaun, Chia Ching, William, Daniel and had some long chat.. haha not bad hor...
Monday, February 02, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
i almost got killed part 2
So i was travelling all by myself home from church. After KTM, i took a bus near the Serdang KTM station. Rapid KL T432. I was sitting on the left side. As the bus was reaching Taman Universiti Indah, suddenly my side tilted down. i thought the bus hit the pavement-divider. Oh my, that is so normal... But chiak lat lor... i saw with my own eyes the back left tyre rolling out to the front. Then in front there's a tyre golek-king out also. Immediately i knew something was wrong. Duh... everyone in the bus knows what's wrong. Everyone mah started saying, "Turun, turun..." Maybe too much drama la. i kept on having the feeling that the bus will explode.. Though i don't have the fear la. i shall tell u later why i didn't feel scared when almost everyone was heywire.
So i went down the bus and decided to walk towards the back and see the tyre area. Wah liau... got burnt tyre smell. Not as strong as the one when u come down from Genting. The tyre ream was damaged as if there was sth exploded there. The force of the bus ream colliding with the cabuted tyre must be so strong that the 'explosion' occured. Some minor damage as well. The road had a few metres scratch mark, but was filled soon. So too bad lo. Paid RM 1 for the bus fare but halfway back home only. Even the Metrobus that came soon after that just stopped a while and then pass by. Perhaps they were jeering at their rival company. Oh yea. A blue Kelisa was "kissed on the butt".
So now im still one piece, no holes around. Thank God. Shaun, my good friend from Penang replied my SMS, asking me to think of the what if's questions. Well, i thought of it also. You see, the bus had to go up a narrow bridge from the KTM station to South City Plaza first, before heading to my place. If the tyres were to come out then, i would be dead now. If the bus was speeding on the same place and the tyres came out, though that area is considered safe, but i would be dead also, cuz chances are that the bus will fall on the left side.
So really thank God for His grace and mercy.
As i mentioned above, i didn't really feel scared when i saw the tyre rolling out. Partially it's because i know God's will for my life. A lil sermon here.. haha... since years back i knew God wanted sth great for my life, so i wont be dead so soon. Even in trains, buses... i have this mindset, that i all passengers will not face accident because im in the train. Well, just a thought...
Sunday, January 25, 2009
i almost got killed
maybe im a lil exaggerating.
im a bit lazy to type... will tell u all later.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
jhathuh chinthah
wait wait wait...
it's so wrong to fall in love
it's so wrong to fall in love now...
HON HON!!! wake up wake up! it's STPM year! Don't give your heart to anyone else except Jesus!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Ping planggggg!!! Ziakk!! Rip!!! Kaa Booommm!!!
Unfortunately im experiencing that now. Like what i said in my previous post, i felt sooooooo close to God and i sort of know His promises for me. I thought He'll help me through my studies and i'll be able to study and learn things very well and of course, the 5A's in STPM. But then hor... all these were ripped instantly. No joke. I felt im not gonna get that 5A's.
Today only mar.... i can't learn much. Practically i learnt nothing. The capacity of learning shut just like that. Though in my blurness, i did caught up some bits and pieces. That's it. And i felt i disappointed many, many people who were praying hard for me, who love me so much that they choose to spend time on worthless people like me.
i think i've failed God. How would i answer Him if he were to question me on the spot about how am i handling my life? God is good all the time. But how come the joy in Him just disappeared? Is he telling me that the joy of the Lord is my strength? True i guess. I felt mentally tired and frustrated.
i thought God had delivered me from the deep pit, and i remembered that pit doesn't tempt and stumble me anymore. But why now i seem to be turning back to it? i didn't intend that...
so this time i need a deliverance. a real deliverance. but when i rethink, i started doubting again. Could this be God's will, or simply my misinterpretation in my thoughts?
i want to be effective. i want to study and be 'addicted' to it. i want to score. i want to be a good testimony to others. i want to please God. i want to be wise and cool when handle difficult problems. i want my strength to come continuously. since God had placed me in various important posts in school rather than a normal commoner, i want to utilise all my spiritual gifts and talents to be good in all things. God help me please. Draw me close to You once again. Do not let go of me. My life just can't go on without you.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
in a split of a second...
i was in this bersatUnite concert in KL Wesley. On my way there, i still remember the joy i had. Even while helping out, giving my sweat doing all the hard preparation jobs, i have no complaints except some pains. Nevertheless, the joy remained in me at that time.
But 1/2 way during the concert, i dunno why on earth la... suddenly the closeness and love for God hilang just like that. What? How can? But it's a fact. i suddenly lost all the joy.
Then after cleaning up the place for Sunday worship, Daniel my bro, Klang Wesley's Roy, Tevin, Ryan, Jonathan and i went out to McD. And until we went back to our room in Menara Wesley, i don't think i regain my joy. Yerrrr..... why arr?
Worst still this morning. While i was still licking my wounds, i was asked to do BM translation. What the...... i was sooooo blur. And i didn't manage to translate the whole sermon. So many words i dunno. Speaking on the spot in BM in the mini microphone is a real torture. Haiz... now oso i think i still havn't regain my joy and love for God. so sad...
pray for me ya!
Thursday, January 08, 2009
thank God for my teachers!
K.. fine la... she's not that scary after all. She's my chemistry teacher by the way, haha...
So she discussed with us about studies. Yea.. i know i don't do very well. But thank God! i finally got a chance to tell her my problems. You see, as a prefect, i have to go out immediately from classroom to my duty post, without a chance to ask questions about chemistry. But Pn Chan is kind. She is willing to help. She said that i can even SMS her the questions and if she's available, she'll call me back. Wow... such a wonderful teacher! I will work hard for STPM de! =>
Next was Bio class. To my surprise, the school changed our beloved Pn Aida... boohoo.... Now we've got Pn Majinah. Still, thank God! Her introductory class gave me very, very much hope for my Bio! Now i can say that i have no regrets taking F6. Serious!
Guys and gals, appreciate your teachers!