Saturday, July 03, 2010

My Testimony in the Youth Prayer Conference

For four consecutive years i've joined the TRAC National Youth Prayer Conference. This year (March 2010), i attended this merely because i'm a youth leader and i thought i should lead by example. Prior to this, i had lots of frustrations at home, church, MYF and so on. I cannot take them any longer and longed for a sabbatical leave, and this came at the right time! But little did i know that great blessings awaited me.

i often envied my friends who have devoted Christian parents and offer godly advices. When i needed the support, my parents will often be the wet blanket.

On the other hand, we know how ugly are the things around us. When can we stop complaining and get on to our knees to pray? God will not hold them accountable but us, the Christians because we failed to intercede for our homes and Country!

God gave me this word and confirmed it again-FAITH. With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26). Will we trust God to make things possible?

Thursday, July 01, 2010


It has been more than half a year i abandoned my blog. Well, i believe many are still waiting for updates. (Yes i do believe that)

Time to get into another chapter of my life. My first degree. With much joy, i just cant wait to get in there. It's God's calling to be an educator. With all the things i've been through, the joy and the pain, the happiness and sadness, the up-times and down-times, i'm now where i am now, ready to experience yet another adventure. God is full of surprises!

If Facebook is not as easily, conveniently accessible..a.k.a connection is bad, i guess i'll be blogging more about my uni life.

God bless all of you, my dears.